Currently Reading (October 2013)
I love reading! And, if you know me, it's not a love of fiction. I love learning! Anything that I can read to further my walk w/ God--or to further my growth as a wife, mom, friend, leader, counselor, and anything else that requires educating myself on--I'm reading it! =)
I know there are many others out there like me. And, being that I sometimes don't put my thoughts so eloquently into words like some, suggesting good books is what I like to do.
Now, I do advise that the Word of God be the foundation before all of your extracurricular reading. Even Paul says that there are those that are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of Truth (2 Timothy 3:7). So, we've got to make sure that we are studying to show ourselves approved to God, rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15). It is the "God breathed" Word (NIV translation) and it should be our guide w/ everything in life...for reproof, for doctrine, for correction, for instructions in righteousness, etc (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
As I've stated before, reading books can be like a type of mentoring relationship. You might not ever meet the person, but that author had a purpose in sharing the information they wrote into a book for others' learning. It's okay to take books on certain topics and learn and grow from others' experiences and learned knowledge...BUT, you will have your own experiences, grow in different ways, and learn your own knowledge best by the experience you have through your relationship w/ God in prayer and in His Word.
So, as you add to your reading list, know what the Word has to say about the subject and ask God to reveal to you the differences between what His Word has to say about it and false teaching.
*This is where the rightly dividing comes in handy. ;-)
With my love for books, I had quite a new and surprising experience in the book store the other day.
I was so excited to have finally gone digging into the second-hand bookstore, 2nd & Charles (Washington Road). They have sooooo many great books for such affordable prices! I went twice in one week...the first time, looking for the 1/2 off books for extra school reading for the kids; and the second time, looking at all the books on Christian living and gluten-free living.
Well, I spent more than 30 minutes looking through all of the Christian living books. I found so many that I had on my "Want to Read" list. It was great! As I continued to browse, however, I found myself not really wanting or needing to buy them. I started putting them back on the shelves, able to just walk away from my love and desire to always buy these kinds of books.
It was a strange feeling.
See, I started out w/ Christian living books to help me grow in Christian living. Being newly excited about my love for God and wanting to be obedient to His Word, I wanted to learn all I could about being a godly woman, a good wife, a good mother, etc. As w/ many, however, digging in the Word was new and confusing at times. I had hesitations, questions like, "Where do I start?", "How do I know what God wants me to do?", "What does this look like in everyday life?". And, so, I went and looked for those Titus 2 women who could help me.
As I've said before, I will be forever grateful to the women authors that helped me understand God's Word and helped me to make it practical in my life as a woman of God, wife, and mother. As I stood in that bookstore, however--shelves upon shelves of books that I would normally be intrigued to buy and read--I found myself not needing them anymore.
I felt like I was God's big girl now. =)
It was such an amazing feeling! I have grown in my knowledge of God's Word over the past several years, but it wasn't until this past year-and-a-half that I've really come to see my ability to rely ONLY on God's Word.
My husband has played a part in helping me to see this...his constant preaching that we need to offer advice to others, not w/ our opinions and experiences, but w/ the Word of God. Makes sense, right? Yes, we learn from other people's experiences...but one person will never have the same experience as the next; and one person's growth through those experiences might not look like another's. And our opinions are just that....opinions. Even the Bible says that our hearts deceive us; so we have to base our advice on something stronger than opinion. If we are to live by Truth, then our learning should be based upon Truth.
As I've talked w/ many people over the past couple of years, I've seen the change that has happened in my life in the way that I "counsel" people. I know that the only reason that I am the woman that I am today is b/c of God's Word changing my life. I am able to draw from His Word--that I've studied and hid in my heart--so that I am able to walk in His ways daily. Of course, I still remember a lot of the knowledge I learned from reading some of those books, and I have learned from other people that God has placed in my life. But, I remember more of God's Word than anything....b/c His Word is all that matters. And His Word is what changes people.
Have you ever told someone over and over again the answer you know will solve their problems? Just do this, just do that, it'll help you get through this or do this better. It doesn't work. Until people dig into God's Word--get to know Him and His character, get to know His plan for mankind, get to know and truly comprehend His love and who Jesus is to them, understand His grace and their need for a Savior--for themselves, they won't experience any kind of life matter how many times they are told what to do, no matter how many people offer their advice, no matter how many other books they read about it.
It is good to have those that live out the Word, like Titus 2 women and those that comfort others in how they were comforted (2 Corinthians 1:4). You will come to realize, though...this all stems from the foundation of the knowledge of God's Word.
So, yes, I have a love for books. I love to read what others have to say about things that pertain to me and my life. I will continue to read, and my reading preferences will change. BUT, my number one all-time favorite book to read will always be God's Word. After all, His Word is what changes lives. I know, b/c it changed mine. <3 p="">3>